Artist residency

Since 2023, Rose Island has dedicated a week in September for a group of Rhode Island artists to stay on the island to work on personal projects, inspired by Rose Island’s environmental and historic landscape. We have hosted painters, illustrators, dancers and other types of artists who have all produced inspiring work during their residency. The annual schedule for the application is typically on the following timeline:

  • Application Open: early February to early April (link to apply below)

  • Decision Notification: mid-May

NOTE: This program is open only to artists based in the state of Rhode Island. Artists who are based in other states or areas will not be considered.

For a sneak peek of what it’s like to live on Rose Island as a Resident Artist, check out 2024 Artist-in-Resident JooHee Yoon’s diary about her experience!

2024 Artists

Our 2024 Artists-in-Residence were: Haley Andrews & Rachel Fletcher (duo), Erica Connolly, Chloe Ellison, Mandy Howe, Tracy Jonsson-Laboy, Annie Tutholl & JooHee Yoon

2023 Artists

Our 2023 Artists-in-Residence were: Aymar Ccopacatty, Whiteley Foster, Matthew Lawrence & Jason Tranchida (duo), Sandy Sorlein, Ava Varszegi and Alexis Violet

Are you a supporter of the arts in Rhode Island? More funding is needed to sustain the Rose Island Artist Residency year-to-year. Please consider making a donation towards this program. Make sure to reference “Artist Residency” on your check or online donation.